Horizon 2040

Influence & Anarchy

A Flash Fiction Competition


...A contest for dominance unfolds in an emerging international order. Nations, corporations, and independent actors vie for influence over civilian populations in an effort to mold these populations’ behavior and thoughts to fit their own subversive aims.

Under the weight of these strains, societies struggle to maintain cohesion in the face of influence efforts of malign actors, foreign and domestic.

Rapidly progressing technology and a growing emphasis on the cognitive domain of warfare has centralized the human mind as the most contested battleground.

Truth is a whisper drowned in noise.

Two plus two is five, up is down, and the sky is red.. depending on to whom you listen.

Even while the character of warfare has evolved with technology, its basic nature remains immutable—

a contest of human will.

What way will you go ?

new methods of influence

Write a story about how emergent technology is used to influence individuals and the collective.

A War of Ideas

Write a story about how societies can build resilience in the face of emergent threats.

The echoes of truth

Write as story about ideological conflict and identity in a world where truth is difficult to identify.